How to create more intentional interactions

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Communication serves a purpose. Whether you are checking out at a store, calling an airline customer service, attempting to close a sale, or having dinner with your family, there is purpose behind our interactions.

Sometimes that purpose is lost in the speed or emotion of the moment. We become fixated on something in ourselves, the situation, or other people that pulls us away from the purpose of the interaction or away from effectively fulfilling that purpose.

There is a purpose for every interaction. If an exchange doesn't serve a purpose, why are you in it?

Heighten your awareness of the purpose of any interaction you have. Then, try to create the best understanding to allow for the best decisions that put you and the other people in position for the best interaction to fulfill that purpose.

It's a simple intention that, if done with discipline, can massively change the quality and impact of your interactions.

The time is now. Do the work.

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