I closed yesterday's email with: It was never up to you where your life began. It's entirely up to you where your life goes.
Last month I spent a week exploring the battle between your Higher-Self vs. Lower-Self. How you process and apply these disciplines depends on where you are on the Spectrum of Self-Belief I introduced back in March.
Where your life goes from here and whether it moves in the direction of your Higher-Self or Lower-Self hinges first on what you believe about yourself and your place in the world.
To refresh your memory, the Spectrum of Self-Belief looks like this:
- "Greatness is realistic for me."
- "Better things are realistic for me."
- "I have no idea what's possible for me."
- "Better things are not realistic for me."
- "Better things are impossible for me."
Where you land on the Spectrum of Self-Belief has more influence over the direction and quality of your life than the circumstances of your origins.
You can experience the Spectrum of Self-Belief at play in real-time by considering whether you believe the previous statement is true and applies to your life now.
The time is now. Do the work.
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