How your beliefs change your life’s trajectory

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

I closed yesterday's email with: It was never up to you where your life began. It's entirely up to you where your life goes.

Last month I spent a week exploring the battle between your Higher-Self vs. Lower-Self. How you process and apply these disciplines depends on where you are on the Spectrum of Self-Belief I introduced back in March.

Where your life goes from here and whether it moves in the direction of your Higher-Self or Lower-Self hinges first on what you believe about yourself and your place in the world.

To refresh your memory, the Spectrum of Self-Belief looks like this:

  1. "Greatness is realistic for me."
  2. "Better things are realistic for me."
  3. "I have no idea what's possible for me."
  4. "Better things are not realistic for me."
  5. "Better things are impossible for me."

Where you land on the Spectrum of Self-Belief has more influence over the direction and quality of your life than the circumstances of your origins.

You can experience the Spectrum of Self-Belief at play in real-time by considering whether you believe the previous statement is true and applies to your life now.

The time is now. Do the work. 

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