I'm going to talk all week about your Higher Self vs. your Lower Self.
What are your Higher Self and Lower Self?
Your Higher Self is your known and unknown potential. It is every responsible, caring, disciplined, and skilled thing you are capable of, whether or not you realize it or do it. Your Higher Self contains all the better ways you can think, act, respond, and relate to the world around you.
Your Lower Self is your known and unknown dysfunction. It is every irresponsible, apathetic, undisciplined, and unskilled thing you are capable of, whether or not you realize it or do it. Your Lower Self contains all the worse ways you can think, act, respond, and relate to the world around you.
You have a Higher Self and a Lower Self. A better you and a worse you. They're each part of you. Each within you. Sometimes your Higher Self is in control and guides your decisions and actions. But sometimes, your Lower Self takes over.
This week's focus and purpose is to become more aware of how and when your Higher Self or Lower Self shows up, more disciplined in choosing your Higher Self over your Lower Self, and more confident living as your Higher Self.
Your first awareness exercise is to answer these four questions:
What is appealing about your Higher Self?
What stands in your way (internally or externally) of living more as your Higher Self?
What is appealing about your Lower Self?
What makes you feel justified acting as your Lower Self?
The time is now. Do the work.
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