We live in an era where everyone designs everything to its most highly optimized version. Everywhere you look, someone is promoting the ideal way to do something.
Ideal morning routine.
Ideal parenting.
Ideal diet.
Ideal note-taking.
Ideal leadership.
Ideal inclusivity.
Ideal process.
Ideal coaching.
If it exists, people are promoting how to optimize it to be ideal!
Instead of the optimized version, I want to know the MED version: Minimum Effective Discipline. Before I consider optimizing discipline for things like my diet and workouts or my courage and consistency, I identify the Minimum Effective Discipline that will deliver progress, quality, and reliably good outcomes.
Once I'm operating well with the MED and have established a good pattern of results, I can explore how I might improve, enhance, or optimize certain aspects for strategic reasons.
Nothing in my life needs to be optimized to be effective. It doesn't need to be ideal to be successful. It just needs to work. It needs to produce.
Do not spend one second worrying whether anything in your life is ideal. Focus on bringing the Minimum Effective Discipline so that it is simply secure and productive.
It won't be optimized because it doesn't have to be.
Brick by brick. Do the work.
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