Observe patterns of desire and willingness

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

We learn a lot about the world when we become better observers. Through those observations, we learn more about people and ourselves. 

Turn on your powers of observation about patterns of desire and willingness in people and the world.

What do we see? What can we learn?

  1. Desire outpaces willingness.
  2. People put significantly more effort into feeding their desires than into growing their willingness.
  3. Marketing and advertising amplify desire and appeal to impulse.
  4. A meaningful percentage of people believe that a strong desire within them justifies that desire deserves to be satisfied, even though they have not done what is required.
  5. A meaningful percentage of people believe it is someone else’s responsibility to satisfy their desires.
  6. The most common strategy for satisfying desires is to lower requirements rather than raise willingness.

What can we learn from these observations? What other common patterns of desire and willingness do you observe?

Brick by brick. Do the work.

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