The secret behind sudden breakthrough progress

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Progress is born out of two things:

  1. Repeated discipline
  2. Sudden breakthroughs

Repeat any discipline with a measure of consistency, and you will make progress. Consistency doesn't mean always. It doesn't mean an unbroken sequence.

Consistency means often enough for each effort to build on the previous and for that collective effort to make a better impact than any single effort. The more consistently you repeat the discipline, the more it builds up and the more effect it creates.

Sudden breakthroughs happen due to repeated discipline that occurred long before the breakthrough happened. It only looks sudden from the outside. Behind every sudden breakthrough is the quiet story of hidden progress through repeated discipline no one saw.

Only when we apply enough discipline with enough consistency will we create a breakthrough. Discipline must be more consistent than progress because discipline and progress don't move in sync. Consistently repeated discipline outpaces progress and often shows only minor progress for long stretches.

Trust and remain confident that repeated discipline eventually leads to sudden breakthroughs. Now you'll know exactly where it came from and why.

The time is now. Do the work.

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