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Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

The sun heats Earth and provides critical life-creating energy. Stare directly into the sun for just five minutes, though, and you might permanently ruin your eyesight.

Sleep and rest are essential recovery activities for your body and mind to function properly. Sleep and rest too often, and your muscles will atrophy in a sedentary state.

Stress is a necessary condition for the brain to learn and for muscles to grow. Stress beyond a certain point loses its value and cannibalizes the benefits it creates.

Just about everything in life comes down to the degree of use. There are healthy and unhealthy spectrums, beneficial and harmful amounts.

Enough stress to keep you strong, skilled, and mentally sharp. Not so much that you are burned out, fragile, and incapacitated.

It's true with discipline too. You want enough discipline to keep you productive, fulfilled, and responsible. Not so much that you are rigid, joyless, and robotic.

You don't dismiss the sun because you got burned. You moderate your exposure. You don't ignore sleep because it seems lazy or boring. You figure out how much you need to recover well. You don't hide from stress because a situation strains your emotional regulation. You learn your thresholds and work to extend them.

Don't avoid discipline just because it constrains this or that thing in your life. Figure out the right degree of discipline that maximizes your purpose and priorities.

The time is now. Do the work.

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