What are you looking for over the horizon?

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

We spend so much of our lives searching for where and how to find fulfillment. Constantly scanning the horizon for where to sail that will bring us into that comforting harbor.

Fix your eyes on the promise of fulfillment just out of reach, and that is where fulfillment will stay: always on the horizon, never in your presence.

If you set sail hoping to get fulfillment once you reach a particular shore, you will land in many places, but never the shore you wish for.

If you set sail with fulfillment in your heart, you will discover shore after shore of purpose, meaning, and significance wherever you land.

Fulfillment is not a destination you can reach, a shore you can find, or a harbor where you can anchor.

Fulfillment is what you must bring on your journey, so it follows you to every destination. Even when the journey and destination were not what you expected.

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