What It Takes: Part 1

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

We are all working from our own particular set of circumstances. From these circumstances, we do our best to create a life of value and meaning.

Because circumstances are highly variable and subject to sudden change, the endless challenge becomes how to create the value and meaning you want regardless of the events you're given.

You can exhaust yourself searching for everything that could help you, but I want to pull you back from that bottomless pit. You don't need everything. You need only three requirements.

  1. An awareness that you need to do it, whether conscious or unconscious, natural or strategic, born or developed.
  2. An ability to do it, however obvious or confusing, easy or hard, short or long, skilled or unskilled.
  3. An energy that moves you to do it, whether internal or external, confident or courageous, rational or emotional.

Slow down and investigate this within yourself for the rest of the day. What could you make happen if you nurture your awareness, ability, and energy -- in your relationships? In your experiences? In your career?

Meditate on the past, present, and future significance of this.

Answer the call. Do the work.

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