You have two options

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Life’s most harmful behavior patterns originate from a desire to avoid discomfort and escape pain. We avoid necessary conversations, decisions, and actions because they are uncomfortable. We try to escape painful thoughts, emotions, and realizations through food, drink, entertainment, or anything else that distracts us from facing the source of pain and dealing with it.

People go to great lengths trying to escape pain and discomfort. They structure their lives, and often their families, around it. Current trends have schools, businesses, and society in general actively promoting it. This is a massive mistake. 

It’s rarely, if ever, in your interest to shy away from discomfort or hide from pain. Pretending it’s not there won’t make it go away. It’s in your best interest to learn how to stand strong and secure in its presence with your feet planted, mind stable, and vision clear. You are guaranteed to sense pain and discomfort thousands more times in your life. You can’t hide from it. 

As clearly as I can see, you have two choices:

Option #1: allow the preference to avoid discomfort to govern your decisions and the desire to escape pain to dictate your behavior patterns.

Option #2: willingly embrace discomfort without running away from it and train yourself to face pain with courage.

I’m presenting you with an opportunity to turn this awareness into a defining moment in your life. Not later. Now eventually. Right here, right now, at this moment.

Which option do you choose for yourself moving forward?

Answer the call. Do the work.

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