Your Chance To Be Courageous

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

When the topic of creating results through discipline comes up, carefully watch and listen to people’s responses. They usually land in one of three categories:

  • “Absolutely, it’s all about choices and discipline.”
  • “I know, I know, it’s just so hard to stay disciplined.”
  • “I’m not into discipline. It’s not who I am.”

I’ve discovered the latter two responses (It’s so hard or It’s not who I am) don’t come from a place of self-awareness, but rather a lack of it. They’re fear-based. Not understanding what real discipline is only amplifies the fear.

Some things can be scary about becoming more disciplined. You might feel it yourself somewhere in your life. The standards. The work-load. The effort. The expectations. The separation. The pressure. The change. It’s a different combination for everyone.

Try to nail it down. What fears hold you back from being more disciplined in a certain part of your life? Be courageously honest in your answer.

Everything is training for something. Do the work.

PS - If you want to share your answer, I’d love to listen and understand.

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