At 42 years old, all the most significant improvements in my life have come from removing something, not adding something. My life has benefitted 10x by removing things compared to adding things.
Sometimes, the best thing you can do for your life is eliminate something that simply does not belong or is not adding value to the life you actually want. Nothing has to replace it. Removing something from your life is a complete strategy.
That's where people tend to get hung up. They want the replacement before they commit to the removal. But when they can't come up with a clear, confident, or reasonable alternative, they second-guess the change.
When faced with the prospect of change, no matter how minor, almost every replacement option appears unclear, doubtful, or unreasonable. The status quo suddenly looks more attractive in the shadow of the unknown. Next thing you know, the absence of a suitable alternative becomes the justification for keeping a known problem in their life. They stick with the status quo and change nothing.
You don't always need an alternative. Most of the time, you don't, unless you remove a survival resource like housing, money, or health. You want to have good plans in place for replacement with things like that.
But anything else? You can just remove it. You can be done with it. And move forward without it.
First things to remove
Remove BCD from your life. BCD is Blaming, Complaining, Defensiveness.
The quality of your life improves the less you do it. And it doesn’t matter what you do instead. Everything is better than BCD, including silence until you are ready to speak with purpose, intent, and discipline.
But here is a more important question: Who wants more BCD from you?
Who is thinking of you right now and wishing for you to blame other things and other people more often? Who is wishing you would get more defensive when they want to tell you something important?
Maybe you don’t care about your BCD. Maybe it is not that important to you. But maybe once you understand how much of a turnoff it is to other people, especially the ones you care about, you will consider making some changes on their behalf.
If you won’t do it for you, do it for them.
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