Complete emotional commitment to your success

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Achieving the significance you envision requires complete emotional commitment. Anything less will fail.

You're not going to feel like doing every action, and you're not going to act on everything you feel. But you won't succeed if your emotions stay disconnected from your actions. Excellence in the face of adversity demands emotional alignment and total commitment.

Your emotions must serve your actions, and your actions must serve your emotions. Action struggles to launch without an emotion to spark it. Action struggles to remain energized without an emotion to charge it.

In this context, emotion is not limited to what you naturally feel. It's also what you can create to energize the action you need. You must generate, coordinate, and point your feelings in a chosen direction for a purpose.

Everyone has this power, including you. But activating it is up to you and requires premium discipline.

Brick by brick. Do the work.

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