Look under the surface of E+R=O

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

E+R=O makes immediate and intuitive sense to everyone. It is easy to understand even when it is hard to do.

E+R=O is an attractive system because its sensible simplicity reflects reality. That is also what makes it so valuable. But there is another reason E+R=O resonates the way it does. A deeper reason. What do you notice about the E+R=O structure?

Event. Response. Outcome.
Past. Present. Future.

E+R=O is powerful because it reflects a timeless reality. The event is the past, the outcome is the future, and your response is this moment.

Watch how, if I change the words of the most fundamental E+R=O teaching point, it still resonates:

You do not control the past (E).
You do not control the future (O).
You control how you live in this moment (R).

Your past does not determine your future. You determine your future by how you live in this moment.

Use past, present, and future
to your competitive advantage.

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