On Hard Work: Part 4

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

One thing you can count on with young kids is they will ask the strangest questions at the oddest times. That happened a few days ago as I put my 5-year-old son to bed. I shut off the lights, and as I gave him a hug and kiss, he asked, "Dad, how do we grow?"

Such an honest, simple question. I felt a sharp responsibility to give him a good answer, not a quick explanation that hustled us through our bedtime routine.

I told him, "Well, we have to do certain things in order to grow. The basics are food, challenge, and sleep. You need to feed your body good food, not junk food, that fuels your body to grow. You need challenges like working out to grow your muscles and new activities to grow your skills. And lastly, you need sleep to let your body recover from today's challenges and reenergize for tomorrow's challenges. Food, challenges, and sleep. That's how you grow, buddy."

Is it any different for you? No, you're probably not trying to grow in the same way as my kindergarten son, but you're here to grow in your ways.

How do you grow?

You have to do certain things to grow. The basics are fuel, challenges, and recovery. You need to fuel your heart and mind with good content, not junk content, that helps you improve. You need challenges like high standards and adversity to develop your strength and new activities to expand your skills. And lastly, you need recovery to let your heart and mind recover from today's challenges and reenergize for tomorrow's challenges.

Fuel, challenges, and recovery. That's how you grow.

Answer the call. Do the work.

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