Society will collapse without these skills.

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

The world runs according to human behavior. Society relies on it. Business depends on it. People succeed or fail because of it.

And not only for the personal touch. Those little things that make us feel appreciated, understood, or important. Those things are nice. They make a difference. They leave an impact. But our world doesn't exactly depend on them to function.

The world depends on our courage and patience. It depends on our discernment and resilience. It depends on our effort and skill.

Without these and dozens of other behavior skills, this all collapses. Not just dreams, families, and companies, but communities, countries, and societies. If we are not skilled enough in emotion and responsibility, learning and change, processing criticism and navigating uncertainty, it hardly matters what else happens. Everything depends on these behavior skills. Without enough skill, we will ultimately cause our own downfall.

Behavior skills run the world. Not computers, algorithms, software, or AI. Behavior skills will continue to determine our futures as they have determined our past, individually and collectively.

Why do we invest so heavily in training for job skills yet overlook the importance of behavior skills?

Why don't we approach the study and training of behavior skills with the same level of rigor?

Why are we thorough in the mechanics of technical skills but shallow in the mechanics of behavior skills?

Brick by brick. Do the work.

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