Think mind and heart before action

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

All of your responses are internal first and external second. Action is only the culmination of a deeper process. What begins in your mind becomes your actions. What shows up in your action reflects what happened in your mind.

When you lack mental and emotional discipline, your behavior will also lack discipline. Your actions become disciplined when you bring discipline to your mind and heart.

Sometimes, when your mind is undisciplined, you can force yourself into disciplined action, but you can't do that all the time, and even if you could, it's not a healthy way to live.

Having a disciplined plan or identifying disciplined actions is insufficient if your mind is undisciplined. Even when you know what to do, you'll struggle to do it consistently or at all. Although you may understand what disciplined action looks like, you will only act on what you know with the required mental and emotional discipline.

Have you ever experienced this? Are you experiencing it now?

Examine your mental and emotional patterns leading up to moments where you lack disciplined action. Doing this will help you recognize that lack of action stems from the lack of discipline in your thought process.

The time is now. Do the work.

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