You can’t spend from empty accounts

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

If I asked you for $10,000, would you give it to me?

Probably not.

Even if you were to consider it, you'd have questions:

  • "Why do you need it?"
  • "Why can't you use your money?"
  • "Can you get it from somewhere else?"
  • "Will you pay me back?"
  • "What do I get in return?"

You'd still have similar questions if I asked you for $100. You wouldn't hand me $100 and move on with your day. Instead, you'd want to know the expectations of the exchange and whether it made sense for you. 

Even a request as small as $10 elicits a conscious awareness like this. One you'd consider before doing and may even decline, even though $10 is unlikely to affect anything about your life.

How vigilant we can be with even small amounts of money -- let alone large -- is in direct opposition to how freely we give away our attention, time, and energy without consideration.

We'd ask a half-dozen clarifying questions before giving a friend $1,000. Not just of them but of ourselves too. And while that is smart, it's a practice we rarely apply before giving attention, time, and energy to many things in our lives.

We track and protect our financial resources yet neglect and leave undefended our personal resources, often giving them away without disciplined regard.

It's no surprise why many people discover their attention, time, or energy is lacking to do what matters because they spend too much of it on things that don't.

The time is now. Do the work.

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