You will find your purpose in the work.

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

"Do the work."

That's how I've ended all 1,617 Daily Disciplines I've written and published over the last seven years. During that time, I've learned something about work.

Doing the work gives us more than progress, improvement, and results. It gives us meaning.

In idleness, our mind wanders, lacking purpose. It's quickly satiated and easily bored. It seeks stimulation from instant cheap pleasures. In idleness, the mind desires what it does not have and diminishes what it does have.

Work gives us purpose and protects us from the afflictions of idleness.

Work provides us with the canvas necessary for excellence and fulfillment. It aims our mind and concentrates our effort. Work gives us a responsibility to own, a crop to nourish, and a craft to refine.

As much as purpose directs our work, it's equally accurate to recognize that work gives us purpose.

Brick by brick. Do the work.

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