Daily Discipline from BK

Each day, I write and send brief, simple messages from my personal notes on discipline, focus, and skill. If you're ready to DO THE WORK subscribe today.

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Personal Growth (3)

How solitude can make you stronger
Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

How solitude can make you stronger

Solitude and reflection open the door to explore your inner world. Eventually, that exploration...

Find your approach. Don’t copy theirs.
Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Find your approach. Don’t copy theirs.

Many myths exist about discipline.

Ultimate power is within your grasp
Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Ultimate power is within your grasp

Ultimate power is the freedom to choose for yourself. You have that power because you have that...

Are your real challenges internal or external?
Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Are your real challenges internal or external?

You will overcome the obstacles in front of you after you overcome the barriers within you.

Struggling with discipline? Answers these 10 questions
Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Struggling with discipline? Answer these 10 questions

Most people stop when things get difficult. Don't be that person.

Building an identity of discipline
Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Building an identity of discipline

Sometimes, your aspiration isn’t an external goal. Sometimes, your aspiration is simply to be a...

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Are you trying to heal or stay wounded?

Something important happened in your life long ago that you can't affect now. Something else is...