What is “The Forever Battle”?

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

"Your biggest battle is between your temporary desires in the moment and your true desires for your life."

I posted that on Instagram and Twitter yesterday, followed by the question, "Why do you think it's hard to choose lasting long-term value over temporary short-term desires, and where do you personally struggle with this?"

One commenter shared this perspective. "Short-term gives us the results right away, and that makes us feel good."

It's a fair observation. That quick hit of immediate pleasure and satisfaction is fulfilling, but for such a short period, we're chasing another hit as soon as the effect wears off.

If we did an inventory, a true audit, we'd realize our short-term desires deliver fewer results than we think and more pain and inconvenience than we recognize or acknowledge.

Your desires for your life trump your short-term desires.

You will only live like that if you believe that. You will only make those daily decisions with discipline if you take your life seriously enough to build that mindset first.

The time is now. Do the work.

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