Your Ability vs Your Willingness

Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Consider what’s on your heart today. Connect with the things that occupy your mind in this section of your life.

See your vision for the next year or five years. The person you want to become. The impact you want to make. The money you want to earn. The relationships you want to develop. The struggles you’re still facing. The lingering burdens you continue to carry. The doubts you wrestle with.

As you connect with and consider that, and especially as you live it out, you will encounter two primary factors.

  1. Your ability.
  2. Your willingness.

The deeper I get into my life experiences the more I believe it’s only willingness that truly matters. My conviction grows stronger the more I observe those people stuck on the mountain of average compared to those people producing greatness, both past and present. It’s nearly never a factor of ability and almost always a factor of willingness.

If you’re not willing, you’ll never know your ability. You’ll just guess. And here’s the painful but undeniable truth: you’ll be wrong. There are infinite things you’re able to develop, do, become, face, overcome, earn, and achieve if you’re willing.

Maybe the most important belief of all: I’m able as long as I’m willing.

Everything is training for something. Do the work.

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