Daily Discipline from BK

Each day, I write and send brief, simple messages from my personal notes on discipline, focus, and skill. If you're ready to DO THE WORK subscribe today.

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Reflections (3)

Life Inside Out: Part 3
Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Life Inside Out: Part 3

There was a man I knew, I'll call him Jim (not his real name), who reached a place in his life...

What do I get paid to do?
Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

What do I get paid to do?

Someone once asked me, "What do you get paid to do?"

The Emptiness Behind the Image
Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

The Emptiness Behind the Image

It's easy for someone to look smart and capable in appearance as long as they don't have to prove...

The most important choice I’ve ever made
Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

The most important choice I’ve ever made

I chose to become a disciplined person. I was not born this way. I became this way by observing,...

Use it or lose it
Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Use it or lose it

I create a lot of content. Many people see this content in many companies in many countries. The...

To My 1st Best Friend
Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

To My 1st Best Friend

I came home last Friday night from a three-day work trip to the west coast and saw something our...

Clean up other people’s mess
Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Clean up other people’s mess

One of the most impactful things my mom taught me was to leave things better than I found them....