Daily Discipline from BK

Each day, I write and send brief, simple messages from my personal notes on discipline, focus, and skill. If you're ready to DO THE WORK subscribe today.

A scary story about responsibility
Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

A scary story about responsibility

I heard an incredible but scary story earlier this week. It’s a perfect example of how to take...

Get it done slow (if you must)
Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Get it done slow (if you must)

Sometimes, it doesn't matter when you get it done. It only matters that you get it done. It doesn't...

A battle of opposing forces
Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

A battle of opposing forces

Everything has its opposing force:

Making the decision to be disciplined
Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Making the decision to be disciplined

I've learned through listening to your feedback over the past seven years how many people want to...

Discipline needs this supporting skill
Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Discipline needs this supporting skill

You know discipline works. Everyone does. So, what gets in the way? 

Snuff out the flame
Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

Snuff out the flame

Stop a dysfunctional pattern before it embeds, spreads, and rages. Some behaviors must stay...

How small things turn into big things
Image of Brian Kight
Brian Kight

How small things turn into big things

Everything begins as a small thing. A redwood begins with one seed. A relationship begins with one...